How To Improve Aim Accuracy In BGMI 2024

Aim accuracy is a crucial skill in Battle Royale games like BGMI. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, improving your aim can significantly enhance your chances of survival and victory. In this article, we’ll explore various tips and techniques to help you become a sharpshooting pro in BGMI 2024.

What is Aim?

Aim refers to the ability to precisely align your crosshair or sights with your target. It involves hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and muscle memory.

What is Accuracy?

Accuracy is the measure of how consistently you can hit your intended target. It’s closely tied to your aim, but also factors in recoil control, spray patterns, and other variables that affect your shots’ precision.

Winning Gunfights

In BGMI, gunfights are intense and often decisive. Having good aim and accuracy can mean the difference between eliminating your opponent or being eliminated yourself.

Survival in Battle Royale

With only one life per match, every shot counts in BGMI’s Battle Royale mode. Accurate aim ensures you make the most of your opportunities and stay in the game longer.

Tips to Improve Aim Accuracy

Practice in the Training Grounds

BGMI offers a dedicated Training Grounds mode where you can practice your aim without the pressure of a live match. Spend time here, experimenting with different weapons and engaging moving targets.

Adjust Sensitivity Settings

Finding the Right Sensitivity

Finding the perfect sensitivity settings can significantly improve your aim. Experiment with different values until you find a setting that feels comfortable and responsive without being too twitchy or sluggish.

Use Aim Assist (for mobile players)

Mobile players can take advantage of BGMI’s aim assist feature, which can help stabilize your aim and improve accuracy, especially during close-quarter combat.

Warm Up Before Playing

Just like athletes, it’s essential to warm up your muscles and reflexes before jumping into a match. Spend a few minutes in the Training Grounds to get your aim warmed up.

Focus on Crosshair Placement

Keeping your crosshair at head level and pre-aiming common angles can significantly reduce the distance you need to adjust your aim when engaging targets.

Control Recoil and Spray Patterns

Understanding and mastering the recoil patterns of different weapons can greatly improve your accuracy, especially during prolonged firefights.

Play With a Consistent Grip

Whether you’re using a gaming mouse or mobile device, maintain a consistent grip to help build muscle memory and improve your overall aim consistency.

Advanced Techniques

Peeking and Jiggle Peeking

These techniques involve quickly exposing yourself to an angle, taking a shot, and immediately returning to cover. Mastering these can help you catch opponents off guard and win more gunfights.

Strafing and Counterstrafing

Strafing (moving side to side) and counterstrafing (changing directions mid-strafe) can make you a harder target to hit while allowing you to maintain accurate aim.

Flick Shots

Flick shots involve quickly snapping your crosshair to a target’s position, often used for close-quarter engagements or when an enemy suddenly appears in your peripheral vision.

Mobile Triggers and Grips

Mobile players can benefit from using external triggers and grips, which can provide a more ergonomic and responsive gaming experience, potentially improving aim accuracy.

Mindset and Mentality

Stay Calm and Focused

Aim accuracy is heavily influenced by your mental state. Stay calm and focused during intense situations, and avoid letting emotions like frustration or anxiety impact your performance.

Analyze Your Gameplay

Regularly reviewing your gameplay footage can help you identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to address weaknesses in your aim and accuracy.


To get better at aiming in BGMI 2024, you have to work hard, practice, and be willing to learn and change all the time. By using the tips and tricks in this article, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a great fighter in the world of Battle Royale games, which is always changing.

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